"Buying Back The Block" From Mike Epps Encourages Us To Keep Property

Mike Epps
Via flickr
Tremain Prioleau II
October 10, 2022

The gentrification of our communities over the past two decades encouraged this buy the block philosophy. Since 2000, nearly 20 percent of neighborhoods with lower incomes and home values have been gentrified. 

Black people are being priced out of our own neighborhoods and buying our property back may be a solution.

Black celebrities often push agendas, sometimes earnestly, and Epps follows in that tradition. While it's important for us to have ownership in our communities, it's not as easy for us financially as a celebrity buying property. 

So what can we noncelebrities do?

For this to work, Black people will have to commit to the cause and pool our money together to make real change. For now, Epps TV series may inspire many of us to start small and take control of our neighborhoods.

We have a quick favor to ask:

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