Higher Wages Are On Their Way – But Can They Compete With Inflation?

Businesswomen working on a laptop
Via Pxhere
Shiavon Chatman
February 3, 2022

Companies have lately been complaining of “labor shortages,” with all kinds of excuses for why they can’t find employees. The truth? There ARE fewer workers – and they’re choosing higher-paying jobs with better working conditions!

So companies are expecting to raise wages by 3.4% on average in 2022. This is great for people searching for a job. Or is it?

74% of companies expect they’ll increase their payroll budgets and offer better benefits to get more workers.

Unfortunately, prices have been going up quickly, by as much as 6.2% by March 2022. The wage increase is only half of the increased cost of living! They’re still failing to keep up with reality – and this also raises a question.

If they have the money to do this, where was this money all along? 

It seems they’ll only pay living wages when they’re forced to. If they’d offered better wages and benefits to start, they wouldn’t be experiencing this issue!

Our economy prioritizes profit over the lives of workers. For decades, companies have had the power to exploit workers because there were plenty of desperate people applying for every job. No longer.

Higher wages is a step in the right direction, but to make real change these excuses have to stop. Corporate greed is the real reason for “labor shortages,” and the solution couldn’t be simpler: pay more!

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