World's Largest Chocolate Maker Vows To End Dependence On Black Child Labor

pile of m and m's
Via Pxhere
Leslie Taylor-Grover
December 7, 2023

An investigative news report from CBS News found children as young as five years old involved in Mars’ supply chain. Children were found using machetes to harvest the cocoa used to make chocolate for the mega-giant candy corporation.

A whistleblower for the company released lists of children sponsored by the company. These children were meant to be in schools, however, many were found to still be working in the fields. This is not the first time the company has been called out about its practices.

Mars has publicly renounced child labor. It has an action plan in place to protect, educate, and advocate for children on the cocoa farms they use to make their candies.

For over 20 years, the company has vowed to change its child labor practices. The most recent pledge cited 2025 as the deadline to reduce its reliance on the labor of Ghanaian children.

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